Apr 29, 2010

Brigit Zahara - Guest Blog and Contest

Want to know more about a hot, brawny, gladiator/vampire then read on. Today PVN welcomes Brigit Zahara who has created such a character in her new ebook The Turning! She is also offering a copy of her book to one lucky reader. See contest details at the end of the post.

How THE TURNING Came to Be

I’ve never written a paranormal historical before. A hotsy-totsy, steam-up-your-glasses and make-your-mouth-water contemporary bloodsucker tale, yes. But one that takes the reader back to another time? No. The closest I ever came was in the recollected background of my Native hero Huritt in the vampire ménage CREAMY DELIGHTS. Apart from that, the rest of my characters have both feet firmly planted in the present day.

Now this may seem odd to some considering the fact that the vast majority of my books deal with vampires who were created decades, sometimes even centuries, before the story takes place. Mind you I think my tendency to write about ancient beings and their experiences in the right here, right now could simply be a latent reflection of my own personal motto: Live in the present moment.
So what possessed me to reach back to Ancient Rome and the time of gladiators in THE TURNING?

The story took me there.

When I was writing the opening scene, which has Galeria sandwiched between her two vampire lovers and waking up in their cozy coffin for three, it was modern day. But as her fingers traced the “numerous raised scars” on Cassian’s muscular chest, the tale behind the marks swiftly emerged. I mean in a flash it was there. Who would have scars on their chest? Why gladiators of course!

Without hesitation, I dove into research of the time period, quickly solidifying each of the characters’ roles and uncovering the sometimes finicky details required to accurately depict Roman culture and lifestyle back in the day. What then unfolded was a passionate love triangle complicated by deception, death and immortality.

I love THE TURNING and the route it ultimately took but it begs the question:

How do you like your vampire stories — contemporary, historical or a bit of both?

Read about The Turning

Read an excerpt


[this contest has ended]

ONE lucky readers will win an ecopy of The Turning The contest is international!

*To enter:  Answer Brigit's question: How do you like your vampire stories — contemporary, historical or a bit of both?

You may also:

*Link to this contest on any of the social network sites, including Twitter, or your own web page. Let me know the url:  One chance for each link.

*If you are a Google follower (see sidebar on right): One chance

*If you are a member of the PVN Facebook page: One chance

*If you are an email subscriber: One chance

*If your email is not associated with your ID, please put the address in your response.

*The contest is international!

This contest closes May 13, 2010.

Apr 28, 2010

Black Dust Mambo - Paranormal Book Review

Black Dust Mambo
by Adrian Phoenix
Pocket Books, July 2010

It begins with an especially vicious hoodoo murder. Not only did the victim suffer terrible anguish during his death throws, but when his body died so did his soul. Such hoodoo soul eating magic has come from a strong practitioner. Who could it be and more importantly why was it done? The man who died was Kallie Riviere's lover. Fairly soon it becomes clear that she was the intended target. Could it have something to do with her hoodoo family connections and her dark, tragic past?

When nomad Layne Valin discovers his comrade's body he vows to find the culprit. To do so he harnesses his gift as a vessel which allows him to commune with the dead. He touches his friend Gage's body hoping to discover the man's last moments. Instead the hex poison left behind transfers to Layne who starts to bleed profusely just as Gage did. Kallie knocks Layne away, but already he has stopped breathing. Using the little magic she knows Kallie begins to chant while picturing white light sucking the poison from his body. To her own relief and surprise Layne recovers, but with his  recovery comes the anguished understanding of Gage's complete demise.

This is quite a powerful start to a novel populated with offbeat individuals from within the Cajun community of New Orleans. Kallie and others have come to the Big Easy for the Hecatean Alliance's annual carnival where humans show off there abilities to manipulate magic. One of the many fascinating characters is Lord Augustine, a rather pompous individual, with a "veddy" British accent who heads the Alliance. It is his group, he insists, that will track down the perpetrator of Gage's gruesome murder.

As the story continues the characters find themselves engaged in engrossing, complex twists and turns of plot. For readers there is something for everyone - magic, hexes, murderous hoodoo poppets, ghosts, possession, at least one bondage fantasy, and a wet boxer shorts contest. Throughout, the author immerses us in the sights, sounds, smells, and total atmosphere of New Orleans. An excellent start to a new series

Adrian Phoenix is the author of the vampire series The Maker's Song.

Factoid: Hoodoo is a form of predominantly African-American traditional folk magic. Also known as conjure, it is a tradition of magical practice that developed from the syncretism  of a number of separate cultures and magical traditions.

Hoodoo incorporates practices from African and Native American traditions, as well as some European magical practices and grimoires. While folk practices like hoodoo are trans-cultural phenomena, what is particularly innovative in this tradition is the "remarkably efficacious use of biblical figures" in its practices and in the lives of its practitioners. Moreover, a hoodoo practitioner is not to be understood as a rootworker  if he or she does not use roots and herbs in their magical practices. Thus, rootwork can be understood as a subcategory or a "type" of hoodoo practice.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 

[Dear FTC, I was lucky enough to receive an ARC of this excellent book from the publisher.]

PVN news update

On Thursday, April 29, Brigit Zahara author of The Turning visits PVN. One lucky reader will win a copy of her ebook. The contest is international.

From the Publisher: Galeria is ready to hit the streets of L.A. for a quick snack and maybe a little shopping. She is a very happy, satisfied woman—having just left her two hot vampire lovers sleeping soundly in her bed. But their lives weren’t always so wonderful, such a long time ago in Rome...

Back then, Galeria was the emperor's daughter. She wasn’t supposed to have a scorching secret affair with the beautiful and bountiful Cassian, the Roman Empire’s greatest gladiator. Nor should she have taken comfort in the massive marble-like arms of AtticusCassian’s best friend, her night chamber guard and a closet vampire—when informed of Cassian’s supposed demise.

Too late, they discover that Cassian lives, and overcome with jealousy, he challenges Atticus to a battle to the death in the arena. Galeria is caught in the middle, tormented by her feelings for these two powerful men.  But strange and mysterious things are about to happen—rituals that will change all their lives forever.

Read an excerpt.

The contest for a copy Angelolgy by Danielle Trussoni has ended. The winner is Susan Blexrud. Congratulations!

Readers were asked to name to name an angel. The archangels Gabriel and  Michael were  favorites. Some named Michael because of the movie of the same name starring John Travolta. Lucifer had several mentions as well. Castiel from the TV show Supernatural  had a few votes. Personally I find him to be rather sexy. Maybe it's his sincere look, rumpled clothing. and cute face.

For a look at all the responses and to read the fascinating interview with author Danielle Trussoni go here.

Apr 26, 2010

Nicole Hadaway - Guest Blog and Giveaway

It is such a pleasure to welcome author Nicole Hadaway to PVN. Her novel Release is set in Europe during the final days of WWII. Vampires are involved of course but so are fallen angels and their progeny the Nephilim. Today Nicole discusses that aspect of the back-story for Release. [see contest details at end of post]

Angels, Angels Everywhere!

No doubt about it – vampires have now come out of cult classics and into mainstream culture, and audiences are discovering what we vamp fans have known for a long time – the supernatural is very, way cool. With the advent of our fanged friends (or foes!) into popular books, movies and TV shows, other supernatural creatures are now entering the spotlight.

Zombies were all the rage in 2009, and it seems that 2010 is shaping up to be the Year of the Angel.   From television and Supernatural to the film Legion, to the novel Angelology, angels are cropping up everywhere, and I thought I’d take this time today to share with you some of what I learned about researching angel lore for my own novel, Release, which I started writing in Fall ’08 and finished in Spring ‘09.

Release is meant to be a ‘vampire novel’, though when I asked myself the question, “But where do my vampires come from?” I found myself drawing largely from Judeo Christian texts and legends. Stuff not in the Bible, but very interesting (perhaps because it wasn’t in the Bible? ;-). While writing Release, I thought it would be fun to for my vampires to have demon friends, and that lead me (again) to angel lore, in particular, the Nephilim.

The Nephilim do make an appearance in the Bible, though not too much is said about them, just this:

“The Nephilim were on the earth in those days – and also afterward – when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.”  (Genesis 6:4).

The Book of Enoch and the Book of Jubilees (both apocrypha, i.e., Dead Sea Scrolls not in the Bible) delve into the creatures in much more detail. Quite a story it is, worthy of the best daytime soap opera!

Sometime after Adam and Eve got kicked out of Eden, but before the Flood, About 200 angels were sent to Earth by God to watch over humans. These angels were termed ‘Watchers’ or ‘Grigori’, and they watched the mortals, a little too well! The sons of God (angels) found the daughters of men (human women) to be very beautiful, so much, in fact, that the angels took the women as wives and had children with them – these children were called Nephilim. Unfortunately, the Nephilim were ravenous giants who proceeded to devour every living thing on earth, including most of the human population.

As if marrying mortal women (angels were heavenly creatures and were complete in and of themselves, without the need for wives) and producing Nephilim giants who terrorized the earth wasn’t bad enough, the Grigori also decided to share their angelic knowledge with humans. Azazael taught men how to make weapons and jewelry, and he – gasp! – taught women how to wear eyeshadow and eyeliner. The angels Semjaza and Aramos taught how to use herbs and roots to make spells; Baraqijal and Kokabel taught astrology and constellations, whereas Ezequeel showed his knowledge of the clouds; Araqiel taught the signs of the earth, Shamsiel the signs of the sun, and Sariel the course of the moon.

When God looked down upon the earth and saw the Nephilim eating the mortals, not to mention women wearing eyeliner, He decided at that point that it would be better to start the whole process over after a nice, cleansing flood, leaving a few chosen humans (Noah and his family) to repopulate the earth. I’m thinking that God’s relaxed his ways a lot since we still have weapons, jewelry, and even guyliner on earth today and he’s not freaked out – at least, not yet ;-).

So what happened to the Watchers who started all this nonsense? Well, they got theirs – Azazael got in trouble the most (even though it was Semjaza’s idea to take the mortal women as wives) and for that he got chained to a rock and covered in darkness; the rest of the Watchers were bound and placed in a valley of the earth until Judgment Day.

But what of the Nephilim? They couldn’t help the fact that they were born as ravenous giants, right? God was planning on having them fight each other until the Nephilim were no longer, It was here that Enoch interceded and begged God to show mercy on the giants.  God decided that since the Nephilim were being born from angels, spiritual beings, that 10% of their spirits should be allowed to roam the earth and cause trouble for mortals. (see the Book of Jubilees).

Whew! And you thought the Greek and Norse myths had drama!

Of course, there are discrepancies – The Book of Enoch makes no mention of the percentage of Nephilim spirits allowed to roam the earth, whereas the Book of Jubilees, gives the 10% number. All in all, from these stories I think you can see that angels and their lore are fascinating and make for great characters in novels, movies, and shows.

If you’re interested in checking out how I blended vampires with Nephilim, Fallen Angels, and the world at war, then you can buy a copy here: http://ebookundead.com.

Author Bio: Nicole Hadaway is a former lawyer who now spends her time writing and taking care of her family in Texas. She is the author of the literary paranormal novel, Release, which features vampires in a World War II setting, as well as the short story New Orleans, 1842, a short story about a vampire tangling with voodoo in early 19th-century Crescent City. Ms. Hadaway is currently working on the sequel to Release entitled Return, which takes place during the fall of 2001 in New York City. She blogs at http://nicole-hadaway.blogspot.com and at http://doubletoilandtrouble.blogspot.com


This contest is closed.

Two lucky readers will win an ecopy of Release. Contest is international!

*To enter:  Nicole would like an answer to this question: "What's your favorite angel in film and why?"

You may also:

*Link to this contest on any of the social network sites, including Twitter, or your own web page. Let me know the url:  One chance for each link.

*If you are a Google follower (see sidebar on right): One chance

*If you are a member of the PVN Facebook page: One chance

*If you are an email subscriber: One chance

*If your email is not associated with your ID, please put the address in your response.

This contest closes May 3, 2010.

Apr 25, 2010

This Week on PVN (April 25, 2010)

Monday, April 26, PVN welcomes Nicole Hadaway author of Release, a story set during the grim days of WW II when Nazi oppression of the Jews is at its height. Ben, a young doctor, works desperately to save Jewish children. He finds help and forbidden love in the beautiful vampire Miranda. This is a wonderful story full of grit and passion.

Like so many of us Nicole is fascinated with the concept of fallen angels and their offspring the Nephilim, an idea she has incorporated into Release. She will share her thoughts on this and also include a contest for a copy of her book.

Firefly Rain 

Contest for FIREFLY RAIN by Richard Dansky begins today April 25 see following post for details.

Last week the contest for a copy of Dusk by Lana Griffin ended. The winner is KatetheBookBuff  Congratulaitons!

Readers were asked this question: Do you believe in voodoo - why or why not?

Here are some of the replies:
      "I'm not sure if I believe in in voodoo, but I certainly fear it! It seems so dark and frightening to me, I'd rather not have anything to do with it in real life."
      "I believe that voodoo exists. There are some people that practice the black arts. I believe voodoo is evil and is used by some people in evil ways."

     "I'm not sure about vodoo either but; I do know it scares me."

To read all of the comments go here

Today, April 25 is the last day to enter the contest for an autographed copy of Angelology by Danielle Trussoni!  Go here for contest details.

Firefly Rain - Blog Tour and Contest

by Richard Dansky
Gallery; Reprint edition (April 6, 2010)

"FIREFLY RAIN is videogame creator Richard Dansky’s riveting supernatural tale that blends southern gothic atmosphere with classic thrills and chills. Publishers Weekly called it "remarkable...a supernatural thriller that breathes life into one of the genre's staples--the haunted house," and Library Journal said that "Dansky's ability to build terror slowly and talent for hiding his clues in plain sight demonstrate an attraction to old-fashioned, classic horror. Dansky...exhibits his talent for original supernatural fiction in this tightly paced tale of mystery and terror."
From the publisher: When Jacob left home for a new life, he pretty much forgot all about Maryfield, North Carolina. But Maryfield never forgot him. Or forgave him.

After a failed business venture in Boston, Jacob Logan comes back to the small Southern town of his childhood and takes up residence in the isolated house he grew up in. Here, the air is still. The nights are black. And his parents are buried close by. It should feel like home—but something is terribly wrong.

Jacob loses all his belongings in a highway accident. His car is stolen from his driveway, yet he never hears a sound. The townspeople seem guarded and suspicious. And Carl, the property caretaker with so many secrets, is unnervingly accommodating. Then there are the fireflies that light the night skies . . . and die as they come near Jacob’s home. If it weren’t for the creaking sounds after dark, or the feeling that he is being watched, Jacob would feel so alone. He shouldn’t worry. He’s not.
And whatever’s with him isn’t going to let him leave home ever again.


[this contest is closed]

Thanks to Sarah Reidy of Gallery Books 1 US resident (no P. O. Box, please) will win a copy of Firefly Rain.

*Tell me about the scariest house or building you've ever been in.

You may also:

*Link or add to this contest on any of the social network sites, or your own web page. Let me know the url: One chance for each link.

*Tell me if you are a follower: One chance

*Tell me if you are an email subscriber: One chance.

*If your email is not associated with your ID, please put the address in your

Contest ends May 9, 2010.

Apr 22, 2010

V.M.K. Fewings - Guest Blog and Contest

It's a pleasure to welcome author Vanessa Fewings to PVN. Today she writes about her latest vampire novel Orpheus:  A Vampire’s Rise (Lachesis Publishing (March 22, 2010) Take it away, Vanessa!

Thank you for inviting me over to tell you a little more about Orpheus: A Vampire's Rise, the second book in my vampire series.

Over the course of writing the novel, the character of Orpheus never failed to surprise me. His world is one of shadows, seduction and mystery, and I always found myself enveloped in his presence, as much as the people around him.

Often with my prose, I allow my characters to take me where they may. It’s no different for Orpheus, only he ups the stakes. Telling his story enabled me to cover the full scope of his breathtaking transition from mortal to immortal. Although I had previously written about him in Stone Masters: A Vampire’s Reckoning, this book enabled me to get even closer to a vampire I thought I already knew.

Orpheus: A Vampire's Rise begins with Orpheus's early years growing up in 15th century Spain, one of the country's darkest eras. By witnessing the terrifying events that serve as a catalyst for his descent into the underworld, we get to delve deeper into his complex psyche. The clues unravel before us, revealing how fate led him to become the deadliest of vampires.

Orpheus’s nature leans towards total domination; psychological, spiritual, and sexual. Add in his sincere charm, and it makes him one difficult nightwalker to resist.      
I’m thrilled with the release of Orpheus: A Vampire’s Rise because I get to share more of one of my most beloved and intriguing vampires. Writing Orpheus was truly a wonderful experience and many fans of Stone Masters: A Vampire’s Reckoning have expressed their eagerness to get their hands on this second book!  I’m grateful for their devotion to Orpheus and hope they enjoy reading his story as much as I enjoyed discovering it.

Yours Eternal,

For more information and up-to-date news visit the official V.M.K. Fewings Facebook Fan Page.


If you were immortal, what time would you like to live in and why? Answer in a few sentences. Best answer wins.

That's it! That's all you have to do!

Contest runs until April 30. Vanessa will choose the winner. Contest is international!

Apr 21, 2010

New Vampire Releases for April 2010

Leah Wilson (Editor)
BenBella Books (April 6, 2010)

From the publisher: Laurell K. Hamilton's Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter series is a literary sensation, thanks to its strong female hero, well-fleshed (both literally and literarily) characters and unabashed attitude toward sex. The world Hamilton has created is powerfully compelling and stunningly complex--and it gets deeper and richer, and more perilous, with every book.

Straddling the series' dominant themes of sex and power, Ardeur gives Anita fans a deeper look into the dynamics, both personal political, that have kept readers fascinated throughout the run of the series. Why is the ardeur the very best thing that could have happened to Anita, personally (aside from all the sex it requires her to have with hot men)? How is Anita's alternate United States a logical legal extension of our own? And as the series continues, what other bargains might Anita have to make with herself and others in order to keep the people she loves safe from harm?

by Jim Butcher 
Roc Hardcover; First Ediition/First Printing edition (April 6, 2010)

From the publisher: Long ago, Susan Rodriguez was Harry Dresden's lover-until she was attacked by his enemies, leaving her torn between her own humanity and the bloodlust of the vampiric Red Court. Susan then disappeared to South America, where she could fight both her savage gift and those who cursed her with it.

Now Arianna Ortega, Duchess of the Red Court, has discovered a secret Susan has long kept, and she plans to use it-against Harry. To prevail this time, he may have no choice but to embrace the raging fury of his own untapped dark power. Because Harry's not fighting to save the world...

He's fighting to save his child.
Lori Handeland
St. Martin's Paperbacks; Original edition (April 27, 2010)

From the publisher:  It’s not the end of the world—yet. But Doomsday once again lies in wait for demon-slayer Elizabeth Phoenix. Several weeks ago she had no choice but to kill a man she loved. Sawyer was a witch and shape-shifter, a sorcerer of incredible strength. And now he’s started to invade her dreams…in the most dangerous and sensuous ways imaginable.

Through her nighttime visits with Sawyer, Liz has acquired a new set of paranormal powers. She has also received a special new gift in the form of Sawyer’s baby. Now nothing is as it seems as Liz combs through the chaos of her new life while trying to outrun death at every turn. She’s going to need all the help she can get—even if that means dealing with her embittered ex-lover Jimmy Sanducci. He may be the only one left she can trust…since every other demon on earth is hell-bent on her destruction.

Death, the Vamp and His Brother
Lexxie Couper
Samhain, 2010

From the publisher: When it comes down to love or duty, pick a side—and pray your heart survives.

Death exists for one purpose and one purpose only: to sever the life-threads of the living. She does her job with pride and an unwavering commitment. Nothing ruffles her. Until she encounters Patrick Watkins. The Australian lifeguard pushes all her buttons—and makes her tailbone itch like crazy. And when her tailbone itches, it means trouble is brewing. Big trouble.

Ven’s gut tells him that Death is taking aim at his kid brother. He should know—he died and was turned vampire while trying to prevent another failed murder-attempt eighteen years ago. Patrick is meant to do something important in the world, and Ven will do anything to keep him safe. Even take on Death herself. In more ways than one.

As far as Patrick’s concerned, the whole thing is a load of bull. But what if everything Death tells him turns out to be true? How is he expected to save mankind from the worst fate of all—the Apocalypse? Especially when all he can think about is how quickly he’s falling in love with the most feared Horseman of them all…

Warning: This book contains enough heresy to shame the Devil, more scorching sex than one person can handle, Oh, and lots of Australian colloquialism. A bloody lot of Australian colloquialism.

Descent into Dust
Jacqueline Lepore
Avon, March 23, 2010
From the publisher: The Extraordinary Adventures of Emma Andrews, Victorian Lady and Vampire Hunter
"Though it is many decades later, it all comes back to me; back to those early days when the terror was new and I was dangerously untrained. When I was young and did not yet know I had a secret . . ."
Twenty-five-year-old widow Emma Andrews grew up in the shadow of her mother's madness, so when she arrives at Dulwich Manor in the midst of a mysterious plague and soon thereafter begins to see specters, her family fears fate has finally caught up with her. But one guest among them knows Emma's visions are more than a trick of the mind. Valerian Fox has hunted the great vampire lord Marius through time and across continents, and he knows Emma has a remarkable destiny. She is Dhampir—a vampire hunter.

Surrounded by those who would use her powers for their own ends, Emma does not know who to trust or what she can believe. But when her young cousin is marked for death, she must embrace the terrible inheritance that lies in her very blood to save those she loves.

An extraordinary saga of courage, love, duty, and honor, of darkest destiny and ancient evil . . . and of the shadow of the Dracula himself. It begins.

by Faith V. Smith
Wild Rose, April, 2010

From the publisher: A VAMPIRE WITH MORALS AND A DOCTOR WHO'S AFRAID OF MONSTERS. "Sexy, dark, and irresistible. Dunbar's Curse blends danger and scorching passion into a fast-paced, wicked hot story. Faith V. Smith writes vampire heroes to die for. But be warned ... readers who enter her paranormal world, won't want to leave!" ~ Sue-Ellen Welfonder, USA Today bestselling Erotic dreams haunt Dr. Hope Morgan. The man who makes her burn with desire is only a figment of her imagination-or so she thinks until she meets him at a party.

She fears she is losing her mind and flees the handsome stranger but finds she can't seem to get him out of her heart. Miles is over four hundred years old and a bit long in the fang department to fall in love. But when the child he rescues grows up into a beautiful and sensual woman, he can't keep his heart or desire under control. When Hope's life is in danger once again, he moves Heaven and Earth to protect her but wonders who will protect her from him.
by Michele Hauf 
HQN Books (April 1, 2010)

From the publisher: She may resist his bite, but she can't resist his charms…
Werewolf princess Blu Masterson won't allow her seductive vampire husband to consummate their marriage with his bite, marking her forever. Alone in a secluded estate with her sworn enemy, Blu curses the marriage arranged to bring their rival nations together, especially since Creed Saint-Pierre calls out to her most feral desires.

When Blu uncovers her pack's secret plot to destroy the vampire nation—and Creed—she is forced to confront her growing feelings for her sexy undead husband. Will she choose the only life she's ever known or accept his vampire bite?

Jane Slayre
by Charlotte Bronte and Sherri Browning Erwin
Gallery Books April 2010

From the publisher: “ READER, I BURIED HIM . ”
A timeless tale of love,  devotion . . . and the undead.

Jane Slayre, our plucky demon-slaying heroine, a courageous orphan who spurns the detestable vampyre kin who raised her, sets out on the advice of her ghostly uncle to hone her skills as the fearless slayer she’s meant to be. When she takes a job as a governess at a country estate, she falls head-over-heels for her new master, Mr. Rochester, only to discover he’s hiding a violent werewolf in the attic—in the form of his first wife.

Can a menagerie of bloodthirsty, flesh-eating, savage creatures-of-the-night keep a swashbuckling nineteenth-century lady from the gentleman she intends to marry? Vampyres, zombies, and werewolves transform Charlotte Brontë’s unforgettable masterpiece into an eerie paranormal adventure that will delight and terrify.
by Sarah McCarty 
Berkley Trade; Original edition (April 6, 2010)

From the publisher: Meet Jared-a cowboy with bit-in the latest paranormal romance from the national bestselling author. Jared Johnson has always been a force to be reckoned with, first as an outlaw and now as a vampire. Caught in a war between immortals, he doesn't have time to waste, but when a female vampire is attacked, he can't just walk away. He expects a quick good­bye, but what he gets is a vulnerable woman who intrigues and seduces while giving away nothing of the secrets holding her hostage. Raisa may not have extreme physical strength, but she's been able to survive as a vampire longer than most by keeping to herself. But that's about to change. Forced to accept Jared's protection, Raisa finds it increasingly hard to resist his forbidden allure while keeping the secret that could destroy them both.

Kiss of Death (Morganville Vampires, Book 8)
by Rachel Caine
Signet; Original edition (April 27, 2010)

From the publisher:  Vampire musician Michael Glass has attracted the attention of a big- time producer who wants to cut a demo and play some gigs-which means Michael will have to enter the human world. For this, he's been assigned escorts that include both a dangerous immortal as well as Michael's all-too-human friends. And with that mix of personalities, this is going to be a road trip from hell...


by J. R. Ward 
NAL  1st edition (April 27, 2010)

From the publisher: John Matthew has come a long way since he was found living among humans, his vampire nature unknown. Taken in by The Brotherhood, no one could guess what his true history was-or his true identity.

Xhex has long steeled herself against the attraction to John Matthew. Until fate intervenes and she discovers that love, like destiny, is inevitable.

The Mage in Black
by Jaye Wells
Orbit, April 2010

From the publisher: Sabina Kane doesn't have the best track record when it comes to family. After all, her own grandmother, the leader of the vampire race, just tried to kill her. When she arrives in New York to meet the mage side of her family, the reunion takes the fun out of dysfunctional.

On top of that, the Hekate Council wants to use her as a pawn in the brewing war against the vampires. Her mission will take her into the bowels of New York's Black Light district, entangles her in mage politics, and challenges her beliefs about the race she was raised to distrust. And Sabina thought vampires were bloodthirsty.

Kelley Armstrong
Bantam (April 13, 2010)

From the publisher: New York Times bestselling author Kelley Armstrong has bewitched audiences with her Otherworld series of supernatural thrillers. Now, in this new collection of shorter fiction, some of Armstrong’s most tantalizing lead characters appear alongside her unforgettable supporting players, who step out of the shadows and into the light.

Have you ever wondered how lone wolf Clayton Danvers finally got bitten by the last thing he ever expected: love? Or how the hot-blooded bad-girl witch Eve Levine managed to ensnare the cold, ruthless corporate sorcerer Kristof Nast in one of the Otherworld’s most unlikely pairings? Would you like to be a fly on the wall at the wedding of Lucas Cortez and Paige Winterbourne as their eminently practical plans are upended by their well-meaning friends? Or tag along with Lucas and Paige as they investigate a gruesome crime that looks to be the work of a rogue vampire?
Now devotees of the Otherworld can share these special moments with some of their favorite characters—as well as discovering deeper insights into the lives of some of the lesser-known players. But even readers new to the

Otherworld universe will find much to love in these seven tales of friendship, adventure, and enduring romance. For when the superhuman men and women of the Otherworld set their minds to a task, they do so with fierce passion and an undivided sense of purpose that make them, in the end, very much human.

A Vampire's Mistress  
by Theresa Meyers  
Harlequin, April 1, 2010

From the publisher: Six years ago Gabriel Forrester gave his life—literally—for Marina DeMornay, choosing to become a vampire to be with her. Then Marina was compelled to become mistress to a vampire prince...and Gabriel disappeared when she needed him the most.

But when Marina's consort is killed and she's captured, Gabriel is sent by the Vampire High Council to rescue her...and they become bound together even more strongly than before. With their enemies still on the loose, can Marina and Gabriel put the past behind them long enough to save both vampires and humanity from their enemies and reclaim the passion they once shared?

by Michele Hauf
Silhouette Nocturne Bites  April, 2010

From the publisher: Alexandre Renard never met a more intriguing woman than Veronica Marshall. He waited for weeks for the mysterious woman to make her move...and wasn't disappointed when they shared a seductive dance at a Paris tango club. Their passion made him want to savor their embrace forever--even though he knew that Veronica was waiting for her chance to destroy him....

Veronica's game of cat-and-mouse with Alexandre turns into nights of unforgettable pleasure. How could she destroy the man she came to love?

With time--and their enemies--against them, the couple will have to fight to win just one more day in each other's arms....


[A version of this list was originally published on VampChix]