Georgia Evans has recently published a fascinating trilogy set in England during the Second World War where the inhabitants of a small village come together to fight off
vampires working with the Nazis.
To celebrate the publication of the book three of her WWII vampire trilogy,
Bloody Right
, Georgia Evans, who also writes
vampire romances as
Rosemary Laurey, will answer any questions you wish to ask her - within reason of course.
Get your questions ready! Two lucky commenters will win a copy
Bloody Right
, the final book in the trilogy.
Georgia has also made the following offer:
If anyone would like a book mark and/or signed book plate. Please send an SASE to
Brytewood Book Mark/ Book Plate
Po Box 6548
Columbus, OH 43206
Thanks for the email, Patricia. Posted this on Win A Book.
Although I haven't yet read any of your books, I do have some on my wish list! Which of your characters is your favourite and why? Do you have a least favourite character?
melacan at hotmail dot com
what was your inspiration for this series?
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
I have the first two sitting in my TBR stack and the third is arriving tomorrow. I plan to read them back to back! I love when a series is published on a close schedule!
I had these on my to by list from at least 2 years ago when they were under your Rosemary Laurey name when it was to release the first time.( I don't have my bible of release dates and books by authors on me to tell you the exact book release date I wrote in to buy these) Borders kept telling me that I had to at first special order-which I did, when it didn't come in they advised that the date was being pushed back and then they advised me that they the books no longer exist anymore because they were no longer showing up on there database. My question is 1)What made you change your name for these books and why now? They are similar in that you are still writing about vampires. and 2) why did it get pushed back? I am a fan and have almost all your books :) Have a great day Stephanie
I think my favourite characters are always the ones I'm writing now.
Least favourite. not really. If I didn't enjoy a character, I think ti would be very hard to write them
through the haze.
My inspiration? My editor asked me if I';d like to write a WW2 book.
Thank you for being so patient... the name and title changes, plus the release dates being pushed back were all decisions made by the publisher.
Part of the date change was the decision to release them back to back.. it took two years to have three spaces in the calender
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