Jan 12, 2010

Adrian Phoenix - Interview and Contest

Beneath the Skin: Book Three of The Maker's SongA big PVN welcome to Adrian Phoenix author of Beneath the Skin her recently released book in The Maker's Song series. This is such an excellent series, and I am delighted to welcome Adrian. She has graciously offered a signed set of her series to one lucky reader. The contest is open internationally! See details at the end of the post.

The contest portion has ended. Thanks to everyone who participated.

Read a REVIEW of A Rush of Wings (Book One of the Maker's Song

Read a REVIEW of In the Blood (Book Two of the Maker's Song)


PVN: For those new to your series would you please introduce them to Dante, the main character of your books. 

AP: I'd be happy to, Patricia! Without giving too much away to new readers, Dante is nightkind (vampire), frontman for the industrial band, Inferno, rumored owner of the hot nightspot in New Orleans, Club Hell, and a young man whose lost past holds very dark and dangerous secrets.

PVN:: Who are the fallen angels and what is there relationship to the vampire Dante

AP: The Fallen are the Elohim, those rumored to have been cast out of Heaven. In Beneath the Skin, the Morningstar scoffs at that long-held mortal belief. As far as their relationship to Dante - well, I'll let your readers discover that as they pick up the books. ;)

PVN: What references did you use for your research on fallen angels and what were some of your findings?

AP: The Old Testament contained in the Jerusalem Bible, Gnostic gospels, and various myths and legends - including Celtic lore. In an old book on Celtic history that was published in the very early 1900s, the author mentioned that the Celts believed they were descended from fallen angels since they claimed to have been born of those "who'd fallen from the sky." Gotta admit, this intrigued me, and my imagination ran with it. That's why a lot of the Elohim words in my stories are derived from Welsh and Irish.

I also learned that the gnostics believed that the God of the Old Testament was actually a fallen angel, which made a helluva lot of sense to me. Yahweh (I AM) or Jehovah seemed petty, cruel, jealous, and often behaved in very brutal fashion. He seemed a tad on the insane side to me. So I put all of this to work and developed my own mythology.

PVN: What attracts you to the paranormal?

AP: The mystery, the sense of wonder and awe, and all the dark possibilities. I like thinking there is more going on around us than we realize, that there are layers upon layers of existence and that more than humans (and animals) walk this earth.

PVN: How did you get your start as a writer?   

AP: I started writing little short stories in grade school, then wrote more emotionally complex stories as a teen for my sisters and friends. I wrote sporadically as an adult  (busy with raising a family and dealing with/ending an unpleasant marriage) and didn't get serious about it until 1990 when I sold my first short story to a professional magazine, Amazing Stories. I sold a handful more, then stopped writing while I focused on raising my kids. Kids raised, I resumed writing and wrote my first novel - A Rush of Wings.

I was very fortunate in landing an agent with a prestigious house as quickly as I did (within a year) along with a two-book contract with Pocket. I've been running ever since. LOL.

The first book in my second series will be out the end of June - Black Dust Mambo, and book 4 of The Maker's Song - Etched in Bone, will be out the end of December.

PVN: What thrills you about writing?   

AP: Watching the story unfurl from beneath my fingertips and realizing my subconscious has been very busy. LOL. I like the sense of discovery, of getting so lost in the characters that they continue to talk in my head even after I've walked away from the keyboard. I'm thrilled when a vivid and visceral image flares in my mind and I know a scene from the book, a scene I haven't written yet, has just crafted itself behind my eyes.    

PVN: What is your writing environment like?

AP: My office is filled with things, pictures, and images that inspire me. To name a few: a poster of Trent Reznor. A picture of Brandon Lee as The Crow. Drawings of different characters by friends, a collections of little wolves and gators, small Goth dolls, a werewolf with movable jaws and arms, a drawing of John Keats on his deathbed, pictures of New Orleans, Edgar Allan Poe and Oscar Wilde dolls, books, books, and more books. My desk needs to be neat and tidy, I need a cup of coffee, and tons of music.

PVN: Will there be more books in The Maker's Song series

AP: Yes, definitely. Book 4, Etched in Bone, will be out the end of December 2010, and I have more planned. I also hope to do a stand alone about Von, and a book (or more) about Lucien.

PVN: What other projects are you working on?  

AP: I'm working on my second series about a hoodoo apprentice in the bayou who runs into mystery, magic, murder, and sexy nomads, I'm also working on a dark fantasy about John Keats. (Still. I've had little free time to work on it.) I plan more Maker's Song books and - as mentioned above - the stand-alones about Von and Lucien. Oh! And I still hope to a series on ghosts, paranormal investigators, and things dark enough to steal the breath away.

PVN: What do you like to do in your spare time, assuming you have any :-) ?  

AP: LOL! I like to read and see movies. I've had very little time for social activities, but I hope that'll change once I'm writing fulltime. I'd also like to return to bellydancing which I stopped doing several years ago when I got too busy. Um . . . but for fun and exercise, not performing. For small gatherings, that was okay, but I think I can live without all the performance anxiety. LOL.

PVN: Where can readers find you on the Internet?

AP: I'm everywhere. LOL.
MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/adriannikolasphoenix
Facebook Fan Page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Adrian-Phoenix/55403659403?ref=mf
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Adrian-Phoenix/55403659403?ref=mf#/?ref=home
Twitter: http://twitter.com/AdrianPhoenix
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/944594.Adrian_Phoenix
Club Hell Forum and Message Board: http://clubhell.yuku.com/
Dante's Club Hell Yahoo Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/dantes_club_hell/

PVN:  Anything else you would like to add?

AP: Just a thank you to you and your readers, Patricia, for having me. I've enjoyed being here and I really appreciate the invitation! I hope to return soon!

PVN: : Adrian, the welcome mat is always out for you at PVN

Now for the contest - open worldwide!

One lucky reader will win a signed set of the three books in The Maker's Song series.

To be eligible do one or more of the following:
* Ask Adrian a question - 1 point
* Link this interview to your own site or any if your social network sites, and be sure to let me know the URL - 1 point for each link

If your email is not associated with your ID, please put the address in your response.

Contest ends Jan. 19 at 11:59 PM PST


The contest portion has ended. Thanks to everyone who participated.


jeanette8042 said...

Hi Adrian! I was wondering if you helped to design your cover and if not, do you think it fits the image of your heroine?

lilazncutie1215 @ yahoo.com

Ladytink_534 said...

Do the titles have a story behind them, were they the original ones you had chosen? If not what were?

Cherry said...

Hiya Adrian! Do you use actual people around you or people you know or celebrities to pattern your characters after? If so, who are these people tend to be? A bit of the ex in the bad guys? lol

Re-posted your contest Pat at: http://contests-freebies.blogspot.com/2010/01/win-makers-song-series-at-pvn.html

mischivusfairy - warrior [at] yahoo [dot] com (delete spaces and change "at" and "dot" to symbols)

mariska said...

Hey Adrian, I'm so new with your works ! so i really wonder,

- do you have any favorite character(s) on your books ?

- re-posted on fb : http://www.facebook.com/posted.php?ref=sb#/posted.php?id=1834044116

uniquas at ymail dot com

Elaine G said...

Hi Adrian,
Since this is a new series for me,what 5 words would you use to describe this series to reel in new readers? :)


Adrian Phoenix said...

Hi Jeanette8042,

No, authors rarely have little say over the covers, but I've been very happy with mine. I think the cover for Beneath the Skin fits Heather better than the other two, but the covers are lovely, not matter what.

Adrian Phoenix said...

Hi Ladytink,

The titles don't really have a story behind them, no. The original title for the first book was The Fallen, but my editor pointed out that a lot of books had that title, so I changed it to A Rush of Wings.

Adrian Phoenix said...

Hi Cherry,

No, I generally don't use people I know to pattern characters after - though I might use a trait or two. ;)

Sometimes I get inspired by an image or a look - say from a pic in a magazine (imagining what thoughts were behind a certain expression), or a music video.

Music is a huge source of character inspiration for me. Nine Inch Nails, in particular.

Adrian Phoenix said...

Hi Mariska,

I love all of the characters, but if I had to chose one to be my favorite, it'd be Dante. Shhh. Don't tell. LOL.

Adrian Phoenix said...

Hi Elaing8,

5 words, huh? Hmmm. Dark. Sensual. Complicated. Breath-taking. Broken.

Sheesh. Ain't easy! LOL.

Jackie said...

Hello Adrian, nice to meet another Brandon Lee "The Crow" fan. When you look at all the items on your desk for inspiration which 1 in particular do you feel does the trick best?
I would so love to add the signed books to my treasures in my safe so here are all my extras.
See you at Dante's Club Hell next time and raise a glass together!!
Posted on Yahoo Buzz at: http://buzz.yahoo.com/article/1:902285535f9dd25dc496ed95bdba667b:a7ad809bbacf70364433cc0256a90086/Adrian-Phoenix-Interview-and-Contest?usc=1
Tweeted contest at: http://twitter.com/jacabur1
Posted link on profile at:
Posted link at: http://bittenbybooks.ning.com/profiles/blogs/the-makers-song-books-x3
Posted link at: http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.ListAll&bID=525589634
Posted Right Sidebar link at: http://jacaburintexas.blogspot.com/
Posted link on profile at: http://bookblogs.ning.com/profiles/blogs/follow-link-to-interviewchat
Posted link at: http://jacabur2008.livejournal.com/3935.html
Posted link at bottom of page on comments at :

Jackie B Central Texas

Ellz said...

This is a new series for me but it sounds really good. I loved the answer for her paranormal attraction-that was a great way to put it.

If I understand correctly, these are not YA books. Ever consider writing a book in the YA genre, it seems to be a big trend lately.

I posted on my sidebar. http://ellzreadz.blogspot.com/
I would love to be entered to win this prize!

Elie (Ellz Readz)

BreiaB said...

This is a new series for me . My question is What makes your series different from other things we've read?

I tweeted it here: http://twitter.com/bbricke/status/7672483943

Smash Attack Ash said...

Hi Adrian! I think you are completely awesome for researching Christianity to come up with your own mythology. Religions of the world are so rich with fantastical stories! I am new to your series but a good friend of mine hold them in high regard. They are on my TBR list!

Do you use any religious mythology for naming your characters?

Patricia - I am also new to your blog! I, too, am infatuated with vampire lore.

I tweeted this contest: http://twitter.com/ash_hoffenberg/status/7672862607


Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Rockers, huh? Sounds like I need to include these on my Rock Books page, Adrian.

Patricia, thanks for the e-mail. I've got this posted for you at Win a Book.

If Win a Book can help you promote anything else, Adrian, drop us a note. This is what we do.

Patricia Altner said...

Welcome, Ash.

Glad you found PVN!

Wendy said...

Hi Adrian! Do you have any playlists or songs that you especially listen to when writing?

Great interview! I can't wait to read your books. :)

Jessica @ a GREAT read said...

Sounds interesting. Haven't read these books yet, but I might need to do so now.

I want to be a writer myself soon and I was wondering how you got started?

Cathy M said...

Hi Adrian, love the five word description of your series, and would love to give it a try.

Along with Wendy's question about music, do you listen to the same music while writing the series, or does each book have their own soundtrack?


FrankSandy said...

Hi Adrian,

Of your books, which one do you like the most and why?


Anonymous said...

Hey Adrian,

Are your characters based on real people?


StyleVamp said...

I enjoyed this interview so much and learned a lot about the author.

Adrian, how do you avoid compromising your creativity when you're writing within the confines of a tight deadline?

Patricia ..Kudos!!! I was so excited when I saw you would be interviewing Ms. Phoenix :)

Keta Diablo said...

Hi Adrian and Pat,

Very nice interview, ladies, and I absolutely love the cover for Beneath the Skin.

My question: I know vampires have been very popular for quite some time, and now we're starting to see some novels about Fallen Angels/Demons. Any idea what the next big trend might be?

And can you tell us more about the new series and the first book, Black Mumbo Dust? What a fascinating title!

Much success and joy to you in 2010,

Keta Diablo

I tweeted about the contest. Hope it brings you lots of new visitors!

throuthehaze said...

What are some of your favorite books to read?
throuthehaze at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Hi :)
Thank you for the interview with Adrian Phoenix & thanks to Adrian for sharing here. I enjoyed reading the indepth answers she gave. Also for answering in these comments. Awesome!
Does Adrian read when she is writing?
If she does, what? And what does she read?

SandyG265 said...

Hi Adrian,

Do you come up with your titles or does the publisher?

SheepsPyjamas said...

Hi, Adrian -- I really enjoyed your interview! One of my favorite writers has mentioned that she doesn't read other books in her genre in order that she can keep her own ideas more original. I've heard others say they read everything they can get their hands on (which pleases me, as I can't imagine giving up reading in order to be able to write). What's your take on reading other authors' work? And do you have any words of wisdom to pass on to those of us that are wishing they could "just do it" but are more than a little overwhelmed?
Thanks! Christene
shayla at pulselabs dot com

booklover0226 said...

Hi, Adrian.

I enjoyed the post.

What is your opinion on book trailers? Do you think they help in book sales?

Tracey D
booklover0226 AT gmail DOT COM

Adrian Phoenix said...

Hi jacabur1 (jackie),

Great to see you here! I draw inspiration from everything in my office - including my kitty, Diabla. She always hangs out with me and has her own little bed in my office. My other kitties don't care for my music. LOL

But I guess that the item that inspires me the most would the poster and pics of Trent Reznor. Hard to ignore a rocker. ;)

Adrian Phoenix said...

Hi Elie,

I haven't seriously considered writing a YA and don't have any plans to do so.


Adrian Phoenix said...

Hi BreiaB,

Well, I think the characters do, for one thing, the multiple viewpoints do also.

The series has vampires, Fallen, and a myth from ancient times striding the world in a beautiful, breath-taking form - a young man yearning to find who he is and claim his life for his own. But the fate of three worlds, mortal, vampire, and Fallen pulse through his veins.

Adrian Phoenix said...

Hi Ash H,

Thanks for your comments! For names for the Fallen, biblical applies as do the names for the gods of all cultures.

I've also used Celtic and Greek names for inspiration and often research Cajan, Creole, Italian and French and Romany name databases for the right names.

Adrian Phoenix said...

Hi Susan Helen,

Thank you very much! I'll do that! :)

Adrian Phoenix said...

Hi Wendy,

I listen to whatever feels like the right soundscape at the moment and my music includes Nine Inch Nails, Saints of Ruin, AFI, Muse, Batman Begins soundtrack, Stabbing Westward, The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford soundtrack . . . just to name a few.

Adrian Phoenix said...


I started writing little short stories in grade school, then wrote more emotionally complex stories as a teen for my sisters and friends. I wrote sporadically as an adult(busy with raising a family and dealing with/ending an unpleasant marriage) and didn't get serious about it until 1990 when I sold my first short story to a professional magazine,
Amazing Stories.

I sold a handful more, then stopped writing while I focused on raising my kids. Kids raised, I resumed writing and wrote my first novel - A Rush of Wings.

I was very fortunate in landing an agent with a prestigious house as quickly as I did (within a year) along with a two-book contract with Pocket. I've been running ever since. LOL.

Best of luck with your writing!

Adrian Phoenix said...

Hi Cathy M,

I often listen to the same music, but I'm always adding new stuff in, so in truth, each book has its own soundtrack.


justpeachy36 said...



In my humble opinion writing has a lot to do with causing your audience to feel some sort of emotion. What emotions were you looking to see your readers feel from this book?

Adrian Phoenix said...

Hi FrankSandy,

I love each of the books, but if I had to pick to a fav it'd be A Rush of Wings. As for why, I didn't have a deadline when I wrote it. LOL!

Adrian Phoenix said...

Hi anonymous,

No, my characters aren't based on real people.


Adrian Phoenix said...

Hi Tanya,

I've never felt I had to compromise my creativity during a tight deadline. I've had to sacrifice tons of sleep (LOL) and learn to write faster, but creative compromise has never been an issue.

I still need to get faster so I don't have to keep giving up sleep. ;)

Thanks so much!

Adrian Phoenix said...

Hi Keata Diablo,

Thanks so much for your support!

I don't have a clue what the next big vampire trend will be. I think the shift will be toward other paranormal beings/creatures/things aspects and away from vampires - but vampires will continue to remain big.

Black Dust Mambo begins the story of Kallie Riviere, a hoodoo apprentice learning the art from her aunt (who may or may not be who she seems) in Bayou Cypres Noir, Louisiana. Even though this series is lighter, more humorous, dark secrets still ripple throughout.

Kallie's been scarred both physically and emotionally by a violent moment in her family's past, a moment she is seeking answers for but finds only deeper mysteries. Nothing is what it seems.

The series also features her best friend, Belladonna Brown, a voodooienne in training to be a mambo (priestess) and who believes in the gospel according to WebMd.

Another key character is Layne Valin, a nomad with the Fox clan, who also happens to be a Vessel for the dead. The dead can slip into his body like a suit and use him to say their final goodbyes or whatever it is they need.

The story involves, magic, murder, mystery, possession, a wet boxers contest, voodoo poppets, loup garou, and nomad society.


Adrian Phoenix said...

Hi throuthehaze,
I love reading urban fantasy, mystery, historicals, a lot of different genres. I love Jeaniene Frost's Night Huntress series.

My top 3 favorite paranormal books: 1. Wicked Game by Jeri-Smith Ready 2. Halfway to the Grave by Jeaniene Frost and number 3 is a tie between Jennifer Estep's upcoming Spider's Bite and D.B. Reynolds's Raphael.


Adrian Phoenix said...

Hi RKCharron,

Good to see you again! I *do* read when I'm writing, but usually only have time while I'm in bed. I grab whatever's on the top of my TBR pile, provided I'm not researching a subject. If I am, then that's what I'm reading at bedtime.

Right now I'm reading Destined for an Early Grave by Jeaniene Frost and a research book about Cajuns.


Adrian Phoenix said...

Hi SandyG,

I come up with the titles. If my editor doesn't like a title, then I come up with other possibilities until we find one she and I both like.

A Rush of Wings was originally The Fallen, I'm glad my editor suggested I change it. ;)


Adrian Phoenix said...

Hi Christene,

I read whatever's on the top of my TBR pile including other paranormal/urban fantasy books. I don't worry about being influenced.

As for writing when feeling overwhelmed, either set aside a section of time every single day to write or set a daily word count. Make it something you can easily manage every day even if it's only half an hour or 500 words (2 pages).

Stick to that goal and increase it as time allows. That why you'll be making progress each and every day. You'll feel damned good about it too. :)

Best of luck!!

Adrian Phoenix said...

Hi Tracey D,

I don't have an opinion on book trailers other than to say I've rarely watched one and when I have, it's never influenced me to buy a book.


Adrian Phoenix said...

Hi justpeachy36,

I never set out writing with the idea I want to inspire my readers to feel certain emotions. I set out to tell a story with characters the readers will identify and feel for. If I've succeeded, then the readers will experience the same emotions as the characters: despair, sorrow, love, hope, fury, compassion, grief, pain, the entire gamut of human emotions.


afstone3 said...

As always Adrian great interview. And I'm telling Von you chose a fav, just kidding that would get me into so much trouble and banned from Club Hell.

Abigail said...

Great interview. I definitely need to read this series. Adrian, do you have plans/ideas to start a new series?

I linked this on the Contests & Giveaways section on my sidebar

and I will post this on my Win on Wed post



Anonymous said...

Hi Adrian-
I've just started getting into the vampire books over the past couple of years. I was wondering, does the Maker's Song series have other Supes or is it strictly Vamps? I'm really curious to check out this series.

I reposted the link at: http://twitter.com/DyebbA


Adrian Phoenix said...

Hi Annette,

Great to see you hear and LOL!! Y'know, I have a feeling Von would say Dante was his fav too. Dante would snort and shake his head, but . . .


Adrian Phoenix said...

Hi Abigail,

I already have another series going. The first book, BLACK DUST MAMBO, comes out the end of June. It's a series about a hoodoo apprentice in the bayou coming up against magic, murder, mystery, and sexy nomad conjurers. ;)

Adrian Phoenix said...

Hi AcR,

The Maker's Song series has fallen angels as well as vampires, at this point.

Thanks for your interest!

Reading said...

Congrats on the book! Ballydancing dancing sounds like such fun. How did you get into that?

lizzi0915 at aol dot com

Kristen said...

Hi Adrian! I was wondering what some of your latest reads that you really enjoyed were. :)

dragonzgoil at gmail dot com

donnas said...

Hi Adrian,

Sounds like a great series. I am looking forward to reading it as soon as I can.

What drew you to vampires for your main character? And New Orleans for your setting?

Linked on sidebar - http://donnasbloghome.blogspot.com/

bacchus76 at myself dot com

Adrian Phoenix said...

Hi Bethie,

I got into bellydancing when I attended a local Asian festival and saw a troupe of bellydancers perform. They were women of all ages and shapes and sizes and I was amazed at how graceful and empowered they all were.

I'd always been interested in belly dance, but had never considered myself coordinated enough or graceful enough to even consider it.

I realized, looking at these women, who ranged in age from 20-60, that life was too short to allow fear of failure to keep me from even trying. So what if I failed? At least I will have given it a whirl.

So I signed up. :) (And learned I could indeed be graceful and empowered.)

Adrian Phoenix said...

Hi Kristen,

Right now, I'm really enjoying Jeaniene Frost's Night Huntress series. Great books!

I love Jeri Smith-Ready's WVMP series, Wicked Game, Bad to the Bone, and the upcoming, Bring on the Night.

I also love the Vampire in America series by D.B. Reynolds, RAPHAEL and JABRIL.

I've very much enjoyed Jenna Black's Morgan Kingsley series.

I love all of Stephen King's books, and the dark, dark mysteries by James Ellroy, and the Louisiana mystery books by James Lee Burke.


Adrian Phoenix said...

Hi Donnas,

I love reading about vampires, but it wasn't so much that I decided to write about vampires, it was more that I was writing about Dante, telling his story, and exploring his world - and he happened to be a vampire. And more. ;)

For me, a story always begins with a character. The story spins out naturally from him/her.

As for New Orleans, I've always loved that city and I couldn't picture Dante living anywhere else.


EVA SB said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
EVA SB said...

Adrian, you mentioned that 'a lot of the Elohim words in my stories are derived from Welsh and Irish.' But the name Elohim is actually Hebrew. Do you speak/understand Hebrew?


EVA SB said...

I tweeted

Jean Viola Ryan said...

Two questions

1. How did you get the idea for Heather's sister?

2. Will we find out more about what happened to Heather's mom in this book?

Jamie said...

I just wanted to stop in and say hi Adrian. If Von is to sad about Dante being your favorite then you can send him my way...lol I will cheer him up for you!! That man is scrumptious..lol I can't wait until you right a book about him I will be first in line to buy it!!

Please don't include me in the contest because I already have all the books.

jellybelly82158 said...

I have read the first book and love it. I just got the other two and hope to start them soon.


Julie S

CrystalGB said...

Hi Adrian. Great interview. Your books sound good. What is the strangest/funniest comment you have received from a fan?

Adrian Phoenix said...

Hi Eva S,

Yes, Elohim is a Hebrew word, but some of the words used by the Elohim in my books are of Irish/Welsh origins due to the mythology I've constructed (Hebrew is used as well).

I don't speak Hebrew, no. I don't speak Gaelic or Welsh either. LOL.


Adrian Phoenix said...

Hi Jean V. Ryan,

When I was going over Heather's family and life and the fact that her mother was bi-polar, it made sense to me that her sister was bi-polar as well. As for Annie being a musician, that just seemed natural to me. Meaning, I didn't really put a lot of thought into it. More intuitive, I guess, the whole process.

You learn a little more about Heather's mom in Beneath the Skin, but not much more. The story circumstances didn't give Heather time to work on that particular mystery, but it's set up so she can in book 4. ;)

Thanks for your questions, Jean!

Adrian Phoenix said...

Hi Crystal GB,

Hmmm. I guess I'll go with the strangest. A person sent me a message telling me how I *should've* written A Rush of Wings to make it "more cheerful." LOL.

LSUReader said...

Adrian--You are a new author for me. I was wondering if you have any special connection with New Orleans, other than choosing it as your book setting? Is Club Hell on Bourbon Street? Would you set a book in New Orleans during Mardi Gras? Thanks for visiting.

devon said...

Hi Adrian -
Great interview! This will be a new series for me, so I dont really know anything about your characters - yet...lol

Since your series follows the same hero/heroine, and you plan to keep writing new books, do you see any sort of HEA or "happy ending" for them?

Thanks for the great contest opportunity.


heatwave16 said...

Hi Adrian!!! So, what are some of your favorite movies? Paranormal or more normal? :)


Posted on:
facebook - http://www.facebook.com/hcreely?ref=profile#/hcreely?ref=mf
twitter - http://twitter.com/Heatwave316/status/7734595226


Lilixtreme said...

Great interview, I spread the word on twitter: http://twitter.com/Lilixtreme/statuses/7735097984


skyla11377 said...

Great Interview This Series Sounds Great. I Would Love To Be Entered Into This Giveaway.

Ask Adrian A Question - 1 Point

Hey Adrian What Are One Or Two Things We Wouldn’t Normally Know About You?

Link This Interview To Your Own Site Or Any If Your Social Network Sites, And Be Sure To Let Me Know The URL - 1 Point For Each Link.

I Tweeted About This Giveaway (@skyla11377).

I Posted A Blog About This Giveaway.


Adrian Phoenix said...

Hi LSUReader,

Thanks for the welcome! I've always felt a special connection with New Orleans and the first time I visited, I felt like I'd come home.

Club Hell is on St. Peter St, actually. Not on Bourbon St. I haven't planned to set a book in New Orleans during Mardi Gras so far.

Thanks for your questions!

Adrian Phoenix said...

Hi Devon,

I'm glad you enjoyed the interview! I hope to continue with The Maker's Song series, yes. And I hope for a happy ever after for Dante and Heather too. But . . . given all that's going on in the storyline, it's not a given. We'll see. ;)


Adrian Phoenix said...

Hi heatwave,

I like all kinds of movies, paranormal included. As for paranormal, I enjoyed Underworld, Hellboy, Interview with the Vampire, Brotherhood of the Wolf, (and I'm looking forward to the release of Legion). I also loved Gladiator, The Last Samurai, Last of the Mohicans, Wanted, Pirates of the Caribbean (all 3), Lord of the Rings (all 3) . . .

My fav TV series are Supernatural, Lost, Burn Notice . . .


Adrian Phoenix said...

Hi Skyla,

Glad you enjoyed the interview!

As for something you wouldn't know about me . . .

I'm terrified of flying. Every time I'm forced onto a plane, I'm convinced that we're all going to die. LOL. My friends usually make sure they pour a couple of drinks down me before I even get on the plane.

Spav said...

Hi Adrian!
What are the books you are most looking forward to in 2010?

Tweet: http://twitter.com/Sparima/status/7775796829


Adrian Phoenix said...

Hi Spav,

I have to admit that I've been so busy with writing and deadlines that I don't even know what's coming out in 2010! LOL. Wait. Jeri Smith-Ready has a new WVMP book coming out this year as well as the first in a new paranormal YA series. Um . . . Jenna Black has a new Morgan Kingsley book coming out.

Sorry! I need to do more research! LOL.


kalynnick said...

Adrina, what was your favorite book of 2009?

kalynnick AT yahoo DOT com

Aik said...

Hi Adrian, are you active in sports?

+1 Tweeted:

+1 Sidebar:

aikychien at yahoo dot com

Jamie said...

How closely were your books written?

Jamie said...

Forgot my contact info.


Andrea I said...

I'm sorry I missed the discussion, but have read all three of the books. I am anxiously awaiting Book 4 and have Black Mambo on pre order.
FYI a bipolar sister makes sense as bipolar is genetic. It runs through my family.

Adrian Phoenix said...

Hi Kalynnick,

I think my fav read from 2009 would be Jennifer Estep's Spider's Bite. It actually won't be out until this year, but I was lucky enough to get an advance read.


Adrian Phoenix said...

Hi Aik,

No, I'm not active in sports, to be honest. I exercise and hike, but that's about it. :)


Adrian Phoenix said...

Hi Stacy Stew,

I'm sorry, but I don't follow your question. "How closely were your books written?"

Could you please clarify and I'll be happy to answer!


Adrian Phoenix said...

Hi, Andrea I,

Great to hear from you again! Thanks so much for your support. It means a lot to me!

I'm sorry to hear that bipolar disorder runs in your family! It's the same with Heather's family with her mother and sister both bipolar.


IanIan said...

Hi Adrian! When you first started your writing career, did you find it very hard? What was the hardest moment? Did you ever think about giving up? Do you have any advices to every aspiring writers out there?

I've linked this to my sidebar here: http://bookwormonawhitecloud.blogspot.com/

My email is dongthaophuong(at)gmail(dot)com

Thanks for holding this contest <3

Adrian Phoenix said...

Hi lanlan,

No, I didn't find starting my writing career hard at all and not once did I ever feel like giving up. I was following my dream, wherever it led me.

How does one start a writing career? By writing. Every day. Write and submit, move to next project, repeat. LOL.

Yes, rejection isn't fun, but it's a part of the business and the rejections aren't (or shouldn't be, anyway) personal. It's not you that's being rejected (though it might feel like it), it's that particular story. And there may be absolutely nothing wrong with that story. It just didn't appeal to that particular editor. The next editor might LOVE it.

My advice would be to follow your heart, write every day even if you only have 30 minutes, and never believe anyone who says you can't do it. You can. :) I wish you much success!
