Jul 19, 2011

Black Heart Loa by Adrian Phoenix - Publication Celebration and Contest

To celebrate the publication of Black Heart Loa by Adrian Phoenix PVN has been honored with a guest post by the hot and hunky Layne Valin who plays a very important part in the Hoodoo series. I love the long, blond dreads!!

There is also a contest with prizes for THREE lucky winners! [see details at end of post]

Many thanks to Layne (and Adrian) for the following:

Vessel for the Dead. Ghost ship. Spirit cabinet. Crazy

I’ve been called them all. And the only one that ain’t true—yet—is the crazy tag. But supposedly that’s my fate. The end of the road for all Vessels—insanity and/or a desperate, usually messy, suicide by the time you hit your late teens or early twenties.

Me, I’m twenty-five. And working hard on kicking fate’s ass.

So, hey. Good to meetcha. My name’s Layne Valin and I’m a Vessel for the Dead. (Laughs) And no, this ain’t a Vessels Anonymous meeting. No such thing since this ain’t an addiction—Vessels are born, not made, and death seems to be the only cure.

Most people don’t know that Vessels even exist, not even when trying to wrestle one into a straitjacket. A Vessel looks like anyone else—like you or your little brother or maybe your best friend—no way to spot one, not even when you’re the poor bastard trying to wrestle the tweaker into that goddamned straitjacket.

But to a wandering ghost, lost spirit, or a furious shade, human Vessels are one huge open door with a WELCOME sign winking above in moonlight-gilded neon. A never-ending invitation to the dead from the moment you’re born until the moment you die. A Vessel can’t refuse a ghost. Can’t turn them away. A Vessel has no say, period.

Most Vessels lose control of their bodies whenever a ghost slips inside, becoming little more than bound and gagged stowaways shanghaied by ethereal, uncrossed-over body pirates hoping to say goodbye to loved ones, to seek revenge for their murder, to finish a final task, or simply clinging to flesh out of denial, y’know? That paralyzing fear of the unknown.

You know what’s ironic? A possession’s most dangerous moment happens when the ghost splits the Vessel’s body. When the dead depart sometimes they hook into your memories—accidentally or otherwise—and unravel a few. Forever.

No say in ghosts taking over your body for whatever purpose and for whatever length of time until they cross over. Possible permanent personality meshing. Lost memories. Quite a few straws piling up on that insanity-camel’s back, yeah?

I aim to change all that. Hell, I am changing it. Just look at me. Twenty-five and I ain’t been wrestled into a straitjacket once. (Yeah, yeah. Don’t say it.) I’ve also learned that there is a way to communicate with our ghostly passengers, a way to work together.

I believe we’re born Vessels for a reason. And that reason ain’t insanity and suicide. I hope to pass the shit I’ve learned onto other Vessels, teach them how not only to survive intact, but to make a difference in someone’s life—even if they’re dead.

Sure, I think being born nomad, as well as a Vessel, gives me an edge over non-nomad (otherwise known as in-town squatters. I know sounds judgmental, and trust me, it is) Vessels. For those of you who don’t know, nomads are a pagan cross between Gypsies and outlaw bikers. We travel. We respect nature. We believe in the things most people no longer do: werewolves, vampires, elementals, old and young gods . . . ghosts.

And magic. I also believe that a certain hoodoo apprentice with black hair, café-au-lait skin and tilted violet eyes, fierce and compassionate and brimming with magic, a woman named Kallie Rivière, helps sharpen that edge.

Me, I’m hoping that together, Kallie and me, we can find a way to transform a curse into true destiny and fate into purpose. I’m also hoping for another taste of those soft lips. (Winks) Sure as hell can’t hurt.


Here’s the first chapter of Black Dust Mambo. (Hoodoo Book 1)

And the first two chapters of Black Heart Loa. (Hoodoo Book 2)

Black Heart Loa is also a July featured read on BN.com’s Paranormal and Urban Fantasy online book club!

And feel free to check out The Maker’s Song series (A Rush of Wings, In the Blood, Beneath the Skin, Etched in Bone—and in 2012, On Midnight Wings). 

Here’s the first chapter of A Rush of Wings.

You can also find Adrian at:
WebsiteFacebook , Facebook Fan PageTwitterMySpaceGoodreads
Dante's Club Hell Forum
Dante's Club Hell Yahoo Group
Pocket After Dark


* For the first prize Adrian is offering one signed set of the Hoodoo books (Black Dust Mambo and Black Heart Loa) to one reader.

*Two other winner's may choose from any one of Adrian's titles. (See http://adrianphoenix.com/ for a list.)

* Leave a comment for Layne or Adrian about this post for a chance to win.
* Be sure contact information is included with your comment.

* Contest ends August 2, 2011 at 11:59pm EST

* Contest is international!


Anonymous said...

Andrian I would love to read your books and series. They sound very good. Please enter me in contest. Tore923@aol.com

Anonymous said...

The Hoodoo books and The Maker's Song books have been on my TBR list since the beginning of the year...One of these days I'll get them read. They sound absolutely fantastic!


CrystalGB said...

Hi Layne. Thanks for the great post. The Hoodoo series sounds amazing. Count me in the contest.

Anonymous said...

I love your books, Adrian. I've started the Marker's Song series, and I love it :) Can't wait to get my hands on the next book :D
So many thanks for the chance to win :D


Dot S.(ladeetdareads.wordpress.com) said...

I'm reading the Maker's Song series and like it a lot!! I look forward to reading the HooDoo series. I'd love to win!

Andra Lyn said...

Thanks for the chance to win! The books sound fantastic and I hope I get a chance to read them!

JenM said...

That was a great post. It definitely got me interested in reading this series. Sounds like it's got a good tortured hero in it.

Jen at delux dot com

Martha Lawson said...

okay layne, you've got me intriqued!! Got to read your book. Love them dreads. Enter me please!

follow on gfc

mlawson17 at hotmail dot com

Cherry said...

So this hottie hoodoo apprentice part of the "surviving being a Vessel" maneuver or what? Do other Vessels therefore need to look for similar hoodoo apprentices or equivalent?

Cherry Mischievous
cherrymischif-soldier [at] yahoo [dot] com

Anonymous said...

love the makers books., really looking forward to gretting and reading hoodoo books

afstone3 said...

Layne you are my second favorite Nomad *winks* great blog. I think you did very well. Course you being cute helps.
Adrian do I need to say anything? You are the best and I am so glad to call you my friend.
To anyone who has not read Adrian's TMS Series or her Hoodoo Series hopefully you will win one of her fine books if not buy them, check them out at the library whatever because you are missing out on a couple of truly amazing stories.
Please do not enter me in the contest as I have all of Adrian's books already.

Debbie said...

Love those dreads but what I really really want is pictures from the wet boxers contest. *flutters eyelashes*


Anonymous said...

Please enter me! tiggy_grl@hotmail.com
Thanks! Natalie

donnas said...

Sounds great. Thanks for sharing!!

bacchus76 at myself dot com

Jamie said...

Layne is one sexy Nomad ;-) And I love it that Layne wears an Inferno shirt in BHL.

Unknown said...

Wow, what a fantastic post. Layne, you mesmerized me. can't wait to read the books!

robin [at] intensewhisper [dot] com

candrbeyer said...

Great post. I have to say the Maker's Song series has to be my favorite new series. I tore thru the first 4 books in 2 days. Love love Dante, Von and Lucian O my. Can't wait for 5. Thanks Rhonda

Bethany C. said...

Whoa, being a Vessel seems kind of exciting...but mostly terrifying.


Julie S said...

This series has been on my to-read list for a while. I've heard great things about it.


Adrian Phoenix said...

Tore, Sapphyria, thanks so much for dropping by and for your comments!

Layne Valin said...

Layne says: Hey back, Crystal and thanks. Gotta admit, it's my first post and I really didn't know what the hell I was doing. *laughs*

Adrian Phoenix said...

Mikki Mano, Dot S., Andra, and Jen M.
Thanks so much. Glad y'all dropped by.

Jen M. Just between us while Layne is busy endlessly tinkering with his Harley, yeah - tortured, and one who gives as good as he gets.

Layne Valin said...

Hey, thanks, Martha. Funny thing, some of the ghosts don't like my dreads. The weight catches 'em off-guard when they turn their/my head or something. Go figure.

I say tough shit, beggars can't be choosers.

Layne Valin said...

Cherry, love your name, btw. Good question. I honestly don't know. I think the connection between me and Kallie--whenever we do manage to get together--seems to help.

Could be just something about her, or maybe her hoodoo or something about us.

But you've raised a good point, buttercup. One I'm gonna look into.santer

Adrian Phoenix said...

Blackroze (Tami)

Hey you, thanks as always for your support! I appreciate it!


Layne Valin said...

Hey Annette!

Second favorite nomad, huh? *laughs* Well, okay, I can live with that, hun. And thanks. ;)

Adrian Phoenix said...

Thanks so much, my friend! You are amazing!

love and hugs!!

Layne Valin said...

Hey, Debbie!
Thanks for dropping by. ;)

Hah! Pictures from the wet boxers contest. Man, I'd be interested in seeing those too--I think--since Augustine was in charge of my body at the time.

But, hey, keep batting those pretty eyelashes . . .

Adrian Phoenix said...

Thanks so much for dropping by, Natalie and Donna S! I appreciate the support!

Layne Valin said...

I dig Inferno, Pennsylvania Book Chick. Awesome band. Interesting rumor about the frontman being a vampire.

Kalex said...

Sounds like a very interesting read.


Layne Valin said...

Thanks, Robin K. I'm glad you dug the post. Like I said, it's my first, and I felt like I was just babbling. On the keyboard. Through my fingers. *laughs*

Fingertip babbling. Who knew? ;)

Adrian Phoenix said...

Thanks so much, Rhonda! Wow! The Maker's Song books in 2 days?! I'm impressed and flattered!

Dante, Von, and Lucien send kisses!

Layne Valin said...


Exciting, terrifying - both good words for being a Vessel (especially when you're a kid). But there's more to it than just providing a ghost with a vehicle.

A Vessel can also summon the dead. Listen to them, pass along their words to those who need to hear them most. Not every spirit feels a need to jump in and hit the gas pedal. Most will simply talk to you.

But the ones who want more than that? Yeah, not always so exciting.

Another thing I've just learned? I can not only summon the dead, but summon them for a specific purpose, like hauling an asshole spirit away to their fate.

Adrian Phoenix said...

Julie S, and Kalex,

Thanks so much for joining us! I appreciate the support.

buddyt said...

I have been entering a lot of contest to win one of Adrian's books over the past few weekas and have not struck it lucky as yet.

Maybe this will be my day !


Carol T

buddytho {at} gmail DOT com

booklover0226 said...

Good morning, Adrian.

I love your book covers; they are wonderful. Do you work with one particular cover artist?

I look forward in starting this series.

Tracey D
booklover0226 at gmail dot com

Pam S (pams00) said...

LOL I loved this interview. Layne sounds awesome. Really liked his personality - the dreads are pretty cool too. Thanks so much for sharing!

pams00 @ aol.com

Rae M. said...

Hey Adrian!

Just wanted to stop andsay how much I love, love, love reading this series!

Reading about Layne doesn't hurt either!

Thanks for the story and the contest.


Aik said...

The Hoodoo series sound uber interesting! I love the concept. I can't wait to read Black Heart Loa.

aikychien at yahoo dot com

whitewolfreads said...

Thanks for the awesome post! Can't wait to read Black Heart Loa!

whitewolfreads AT gmail DOT com

Persephone said...

The Hoodoo series really piqued my interest. I am looking forward to reading it. I have read so many raving reviews for the author's books.

patronus89013 at yahoo dot com

mortiana said...

I would really like to get to know
these characters better! Intriguing...

Lorelei Bell said...

Well, I have not entered any contests to win a book lately--nothing sounded interesting to me until these books. Why not try a new author, I ask. "Sure,"I say to myself. "Go for it!"
Lorelei . . .


Na said...

I would love to read a story about a hoodoo apprentice! Sounds intriguing.


LoriStrongin said...

I've already bought both Black Mambo and Black Heart Loa, so no need to enter me in the contest, but I just wanted to post how much I'm enjoying them! Adrian Phoenix really knows how to write a page turner!!!


In Julie's Opinion said...

Adrian, I haven't read either of these books yet, although they are on my TBR list and I really, really want to!, so thanks for the chance to win a copy of both of them! Very awesome giveaway:)
jwitt33 at live dot com

Mary Preston said...

The books look amazing. Thanks for the fabulous giveaway.


Denise Z said...

I have been stalking this book and author is is recently new to me. I hopped over today from Paranormal Haven. I love the posts on this blog and look forward to following. I love character posts and I enjoyed today's sharing very much.


KMichelleC87 said...

i won adrians the makers song series in another giveaway and loved them! I grew up in louisiana and love how she incorporates the language and culture into her stories. PLEASE enter me in this giveaway


thank you!

Anonymous said...

Very interesting :) just finished black dust mambo today!
Megan R.