Jun 15, 2011

Interview with Hellhound Lore & Contest Sponsored by Author Sharon Ashwood

PVN is delighted to welcome Lore, Alpha Hellhound of Fairview, a town of intense supernatural activity and the location of The Dark Forgotten series by Sharon Ashwood. Although Lore has appeared in all books of the series it is in the most recent, Frostbound, where readers get to know Lore, up close and personal.

[See contest info at end of post]

Lore, many thanks for taking time from your very busy schedule for this interview!

Hello, Patricia, and thank you for inviting me to PVN. 

Do you like being temporary sheriff of the supernatural community while Alessandro is out of town?

Yes and no. I get to beat up a lot of vampires. That’s entertaining. Despite working for Alessandro from time to time, hellhounds and vampires don’t get along all that well. We put in a hard day’s work, maybe grab a beer.  They’re all about the politics and fashion.

But I’m getting off topic. This is a busy time in Fairview. There’s an election on—the first time a non-human has stood for office—and a lot of people from out of town are showing up and causing trouble. And then there’s this freak snowstorm. And the free-floating evil, arson, and you know how it goes. Suddenly the calendar is fully booked.

What exactly does it mean being the Alpha Hellhound?

The Alpha is the pack leader and can be male or female. It is a position of great responsibility, because ensuring the pack’s welfare and happiness is your primary purpose. That could be anything from defeating an infestation of ghouls to setting up a baseball team. You are the go-to person for all decisions, great and small. There’s little time for a personal life, but it’s a great gig if you have control issues.

The biggest challenge I have is teaching the pack to fit into modern human society. We are newcomers here, and there are different customs to learn. For instance, I understand that taking females captive is not typical behavior in your society. There’s a new discovery every day.

Many PVN readers know little about Hellhounds. Would you tell us a bit about your group - anything you feel comfortable sharing.

Hellhounds were bred in ancient days from the guardians of the dead. We are half-demons and have power over all passages between one state and another, especially the ways between birth and death. We hunt down evil to keep those sacred roads safe. We can take the form of a hound or a human at will.

For the record, and because so many have asked, fleas are not a problem and no hellhound has ever drunk out of a toilet.

Why is it essential that as Alpha you choose a lifetime mate?

The hellhound belief is that there must be a strong, mated Alpha pair before a pack can breed. It is also believed that we reincarnate and seek out our mates from lifetime to lifetime. As Alpha, I am expected to take one of the females of the pack as my mate.

There are plenty of grandmothers in the pack who have nothing better to do than to play matchmaker. I swear they’ve got a betting pool going.  No place is safe from ambush.

I understand that it is impossible for Hellhounds to lie. Doesn't this sometimes cause uncomfortable moments?

Um, yes. More than I can say.

You also have a gift for prophecy. How does that manifest itself?

Usually in dreams, or sometimes with what humans call a migraine headache. I don’t find it a particularly helpful talent. For instance, last night I dreamed that I was cleaning the fridge and found a baby dragon in the vegetable crisper. Outside of the fact that maybe it’s past time to clean the fridge, what do I make of this? That dragons will eat all my carrots? I haven’t a clue.

There was a time when you ran a smuggling operation within the Castle. Why was that?

When the pack first escaped from the Castle, many were left behind. I was one of the few with the means to slip through the Castle entrance, and many goods are rare inside the Castle walls. Putting those two facts together, I saw an opportunity.

I bartered for the freedom of the lost hounds. A pair of shoes and a bottle of wine for a life. It was crazy. There was a danger that I would be recaptured, but I could not leave even the least of my pack behind. What kind of a leader would I be?

If it's not too painful would you mind describing life in the Castle?

The Castle is an ancient, interdimensional prison for supernatural creatures. The hounds were shut inside it thousands of years ago. It is a place of stone and torchlight, a lawless hell where demon warlords roam free and fight for territory. Many of them made us their slaves and soldiers. I did not see the sun or breathe free air until I was a grown man.

How is your friend Sylvius, a former incubus, adjusting to life outside the Castle?

My young friend has been recruited by a modelling agency. As a former love god who is not yet twenty years of age, I think he has a bright future in front of the camera.

Do you have a preference for which form you take - human or hound?

Both are entirely natural to me. I spend more time in human form, because so many tasks are easier that way. Opposable thumbs and all that. However, I do like to go out with friends and chase Frisbees if the weather is good.

What are your plans for the future?

The future is uncertain. I have met a beautiful vampire named Talia Rostova. At first, I thought she was a killer and took her prisoner. I’m still not sure if she’s innocent, and I can’t let her go until I know the truth. Honestly, I suspect she’s in more trouble than she’s admitting. I know it’s against every hellhound law, but what would be the harm in getting to know her a little better? If I could convince her to trust me, I might be able to help her.

Tell us about your Boswell  - Sharon Ashwood.

She’s patient and works hard, but she’s only a human. It would help if she had superpowers.  Then she could write our stories down much faster. She’s also slow in other ways. I had to keep at her and at her to write my story. I had to be, pardon the reference, like a dog with a bone! But once readers started asking for my story, she finally got with the program.

Anything else you would like to add?

If anyone is interested in Frostbound, but has not read the rest of the series, please know that this book can be read as a stand-alone novel. If you like it, you can catch up with the others afterward.

Excerpt of Frostbound


*Leave a comment on the blog to win one of the Sharon Ashwood's Dark Forgotten books—reader’s choice.

     Ravenous: The Dark Forgotten
     Scorched: The Dark Forgotten

     Unchained: The Dark Forgotten

     Frostbound: The Dark Forgotten

*Be sure to leave contact information.

*This contest is open internationally.

*Contest ends June 22, 2011

Visit Sharon's website to read excerpts and see the trailers!

Trailer for Frostbound


Sherri A. Dub said...

I want to win (Frostbound) definitely! My kind of book~I can tell you right now.
Nice interview.
Sherri A. Dub
Author of: Goddess Cottage

SiNn said...

i aboslutly loved unchained i didnt realize was a series tho lol but was awesome to say the least the other books sound awesome too

would love to get teh first and buy the whole series eventually


Virginia C said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Virginia C said...

Thank you, Lore, for a very intriguing interview! I am a great fan of "The Dark Forgotten"! I have the first three books in the series, and I would love to win "Frostbound" : ) Hellhounds rock the house!

US Resident, GFC Follower, Subscriber

LadyVampire2u said...

Great post! I loved the interview. And I really enjoy this series too. I dont have Frostbound yet but after reading Lore's interview, I am very interested in getting ahold of this book. Thanks for the giveaway! USA
GFC: LadyVampire2u
LadyVampire2u AT gmail DOT com

SandyG265 said...

Great interview. Please enter me in the giveaway.

sgiden at verizon.net

debbie said...

I really liked unchained. I would love to read frostbound.

Andra Lyn said...

I would love to win the first one in the series! Ravenous was it? Awesome :D Thanks for the interview!


Anonymous said...

I would love to read this series. I would want to read the first book. Please enter me in contest. Tore923@aol.com

Julie S said...

Sounds like a really interesting series. If I win, I'd like the first book. juliecookies(at)gmail.com

Anonymous said...

These books have been in my "To Be Read" folder for about a month--the folder is stuffed full and I'm slowly whittling away at it.
The interview was fantastic and has just moved these books up in priority.


Tanya1224 said...

I'm not familiar with this series but I've seen Sharon on Fresh Fiction. It sounds like a great read. Thanks so much for sharing and the chance to win one of her books. I'd probably take the first one even though there stand alone. Thanks again =)

Unknown said...

Thank you for the post and content. I think I have a couple of these on my shelf... I need to read faster!

robin [at] intensewhisper [dot] com

tetewa said...

Would love to get Frostbound as I have all the rest! tWarner419@aol.com

donnas said...

Great interview. I love this series and am looking forward to Frostbound.

bacchus76 at myself dot com

Martha Lawson said...

Please enter me for any of the books as I have not read any of them! (yet!!!) Loved the interview.

follow on gfc

mlawson17 at hotmail dot com

Sharon Ashwood said...

Just dropped by to say hello to everyone and thanks so much for commenting! Lore sends his love ...

annalisa said...

Great interview! I would love to read Frostbound. The trailer was awesome! Please enter me in your contest. :)


catslady said...

I've not read any from this series but I've been hearing a lot of good things - sound great!


Erika said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JenM said...

I've got Ravenous on my TBR pile. I really need to move it up. Thanks for the contest. If I win, I'd love to get Frostbound - the hellhounds sound very intriguing.

jen at delux dot com

Anonymous said...

Oh, yeah.
This looks like it's RIGHT up my alley! I loved the "interview" format this was done in, and it definitely interests me enough to want to read more. Knowing that at least a few of the other commentators will probably be making voodoo dolls and sticking them with pointy objects if I do, should I be lucky enough to win, I can be reached at jswayne702@yahoo.com.
In the meantime, payday can't come fast enough!

Erika said...

I found a new series to read!


Mariee said...

Great interview! I haven't read any of Sharon's books before, but I love finding new authors. Please count me in.

marieimy (at) gmail (dot) com

Elaine G said...

Love character interviews.
Please count me in for the giveaway

Pam S (pams00) said...

Great interview with Lore. I loved his answers lol good to know about the fleas and toilets.

I've enjoyed the series so far and would love to win Frostbound - ty for the chance.

gfc - pams00

pams00 @ aol.com

booklover0226 said...

I enjoyed the post and look forward in starting this series.

Tracey D
booklover0226 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I loved the interview, especially the part about chasing frisbees.
thanks for the giveaway

-petit said...

Since I didn't read any of this books yet, I would love to win the first one (Ravenous)!


throuthehaze said...

Great character interview! Thanks for the giveaway

throuthehaze at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Yay, I love character interviews, they are so much fun :-D and let's be honest when we are reading a book we want to ask/say things to some characters, so I always like it when there is a chance to interact with the character and get to know them a bit more outside of the strict plot :-)

Love the title/position: Alpha Hellhound, sounds so ominious and powerful :-D

"She’s patient and works hard, but she’s only a human. It would help if she had superpowers. Then she could write our stories down much faster." LOL yes, that is what us readers always lament about that our favourite authors never write fast enough :-)

Thank you for the fantastic giveaway, please count me in!

stella.exlibris (at) gmail (dot) com

Kalex said...

I would love a chance to win one.
