Bad to the Bone
Once a con artist Ciara Griffin now operates as station owner as well as overworked, underpaid marketing manager for WVMP a small radio station with DJs of the undead variety. In preparation for Halloween there will be a "live" nighttime broadcast from a local pub The Smoking Pig.
Problems begin almost immediately when the midnight broadcast of Goth queen Regina is preempted by the broadcast of a religious screed warning about the wages of sins. WVMP has been deliberately targeted by a group called Family Action Network (FAN). Later a fire-bomber targets The Smoking Pig and leaves a crudely written ungrammatical sign - YOUR GOING TO HELL. This nasty group goes so far as to leave the mostly sweet-tempered vampire doggy tied outdoors in hopes the sun will destroy him. Luckily Ciara and friends find him in time. She names him Dexter.
While trying to track down FAN Ciara must also deal with her ever more complicated personal life. She has fallen in love with tall and handsome vampire DJ, Shane. There are enough steamy love scenes to show that the feeling is mutual. Still, she cannot help but notice that mortal station manager, David, has been working out. He is now officially a hot hunk. Then there is her good for nothing father who, sad to say, finds time to interfere with Ciara's life. One possible positive comes in the form of Jeremy, a freelance reporter for Rolling Stone magazine. Perhaps his story will bring favorable attention to the station. Unfortunately, Ciara and the DJs aren't certain the reporter is completely trustworthy.
Not to be missed is the playlist of songs referenced throughout the story. Everything from Jerry Lee Lewis to Amy Winehouse.
This cleverly written sequel to Wicked Game
Nice review. I read the earlier book and enjoyed it. Haven't picked this one up yet and it sounds like it won't disappoint.
I loved Wicked Game, but I think Bad to the Bone is even better.
You won't be disappointed.
Glad you liked the review. Thanks!
I have had WICKED GAME on the Wanton Book-Yearn list. BAD TO THE BONE just got added to the lineup. Thanks for the great review and cranium's up!
Hi Vickie
I know you will enjoy both books!
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