Welcome to author Paige Tyler who is guest blogging today to discuss her latest erotic romance Vampire 101 from Wiskey Creek Press, April 2009.
Thanks for being here, Paige!
Thanks so much for asking me to guest blog, Patricia!
I've had a thing for vampires ever since I first saw the tall, dark, and hunky Angel on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, so when I decided to write a vamp paranormal romance, I thought why not write about a heroine who was as into him as I am? Of course, Savanna, the sexy heroine in my new book Vampire 101, ended up getting a little more caught up in the whole vampire thing than I think I would like. For one thing, she likes to hang out at Goth clubs on the weekend, figuring that's as close to the dark, brooding Angel as she's ever likely to get. Now I can honestly say I've never done that! It was fun to write about it, though.
Since she's read just about vamp book ever written, and watched every television show and movie ever made about them to boot, Savanna considers herself somewhat of an expert on the subject. Of course, she doesn't really believe in her heart that vampires exist. It's just fun to think they do. She'd be happy just to find someone with a few vamp-like qualities - hence the Goth clubs. But then her whole world is turned upside down when she's bitten by a real-life rogue vampire and left for dead outside a Goth club. That's when she discovers the hard way that they really do exist after all. And when the sinfully handsome vampire Kaige, the hero of Vampire 101, comes to her rescue and saves her life by turning her into one, she learns that everything she thought she knew about vampires is wrong.
But just because she was wrong about the details, it doesn't mean that she isn't in for the wildest, craziest, most sensual ride of her life! Time to hold on tight and find out how a modern vampire really lives!
Being a Vampire Isn't What It Used to Be!
Savanna Royce is a weekend Goth-girl who has always been fascinated with vampires. She doesn’t really believe in them, of course, but that changes when she is bitten by a rogue vamp and left for dead.
Fortunately, two-hundred-and-seventy-eight-year-old vampire Kaige Travers is there to rescue her. Unwilling to let her die, he turns Savanna into a vampire to save her life, not knowing if she’ll thank him or hate him for it.
While Kaige is teaching Savanna what she needs to know about being a vampire, neither of them can deny the chemistry that’s there. Somewhere between getting her registered at the local vampire admin office and teaching her how to order blood on the internet, they fall for each other, fast and hard.
Just as things are heating up between the sheets – and everywhere else – they encounter one minor problem. The rogue vampire who attacked her is back and this time, he wants to finish the job he started.
Heart hammering in her chest, Savanna lifted her head to see a tall, dark-haired man coming into the room. Even as fuzzy as she was, there was no mistaking those rugged good looks. He was the guy she remembered leaning over her.
“You’re awake,” he said. “That’s good.”
His voice was deep and velvety, just like she remembered. Savanna jumped to her feet and she backed away from him on wobbly legs.
“Who are you?” she demanded. “Where am I?”
The man held up his hand in a placating gesture. “Just take it easy. I’m not going to hurt you,” he said. “My name is Kaige Travers, and you’re in my house.”
Savanna’s eyes narrowed suspiciously. What the heck kind of name was Kaige, anyway?Probably fake. “Why did you bring me here?” she asked, not bothering to return the introduction.
Kaige regarded her thoughtfully for a moment. “How much do you remember about what happened at the Goth club?” he asked.
Savanna’s pulse began to race. He couldn’t possibly be referring to that crazy stuff from her dream. “What are you talking about?”
He hesitated. “You were attacked. I had to bring you here to save your life.”
She frowned. “What do you mean, you brought me here to save my life? Why didn’t yo
just take me to a hospital? What kind of attack?”
“The hospital wouldn’t have been able to do any-thing for you,” Kaige said. “That guy who dragged you into the alley…he was a…you were…” He sighed. “You were bitten by a vampire.”
Savanna stared at him in disbelief. Okay, that did it. No more Goth clubs for her. She might like to dress all in black and pretend that vampires really did exist, but she knew enough to separate fantasy from reality. Unlike the handsome, but obviously insane, Kaige Travers.
“Look,” he said. “I know it sounds crazy, but –”
“It doesn’t just sound crazy, it is crazy!” she snapped. “Vampires aren’t real.”
Kaige folded his arms across his broad chest. “Actually, they are.”
She laughed. “Right. Next you’ll be telling me that I’m a vampire because I got bitten by one. Sorry, but I think you have your vampire and werewolf lore mixed up. In order to become a vampire, a person has to have their blood drained, and then they have to drink the blood of the vampire who bit them. Are you telling me that the guy who bit me gave me his blood?”
The muscle in Kaige’s jaw flexed. “The vampire who bit you left you to die. I was the one who turned you.”
Savanna blinked. “You?” she said incredulously.
He nodded. “After I chased the other vampire off, I gave you my blood.”
“Please tell me you’re joking,” she said.
“It was the only way to save your life,” he said.
Savanna’s stomach churned. It was one thing to think vampires were sexy, but the idea of drinking blood was too disgusting for words. She swallowed hard. “So, you’re telling me that you’re a vampire?”
He nodded. “Yes.”
“Riiiiiight,” she said, drawing the word out. “Look, no offense. I mean you’re hot and everything, but you’re definitely not vamp material. Take it from me, I know.” She picked up her evening purse from the bedside table. “Now, if you don’t mind, I’m going to go ahead and leave.”
Alarm flickered in Kaige’s golden brown eyes. “You can’t leave yet. You’re still weak. You need more blood.”
Savanna made a face at that, her stomach churning again. “What I need is a shower and a cup of coffee.”
Giving Kaige a wide berth, she headed for the door. As she did so, she glanced at her reflection in the mirror over the dresser and immediately stopped when she saw the puckered red scars on her neck. She reached up to lightly run her fingers over them.
“Now do you believe me?” Kaige asked.
He had moved across the room to stand behind her and she met his gaze in the mirror. She was tall, but even in the high-heeled boots she was wearing, the top of her head didn’t quite reach his chin.
She lifted her own a fraction of an inch. “No. If I were a vampire, I wouldn’t have a reflection. Neither would you.”
He muttered something she didn’t catch under his breath. “You’ve been watching too many movies. Of course we have a reflection. We’re vampires, not ghosts.”
Savanna spun around to face him. “You’ve got an answer for everything, don’t you?”
His mouth quirked. “But unfortunately none of them seem to be enough to make you believe me.”
“Because what you’re talking about is crazy,” she told him. “Vampires don’t exist.”
Kaige lifted a brow. “You certainly seem to know a lot about vampires considering you don’t believe in them,” he said, folding his arms over his chest again.
Savanna felt her face color. “Just because I’m into vampires, that doesn’t mean I think they’re real. Or that you’re one of them.”
His eyes narrowed. “What if I could give you proof?”
“What kind of proof?” she said.
Kaige didn’t answer, but simply opened his mouth. As she watched, his canines elongated before her very eyes, and then retracted.
Savanna backed up until she hit the dresser. Holy crap! “Where the heck did you find a dentist to do that?”
He clenched his jaw. “I didn’t have a dentist do it. I’m a vampire. They come with the title.”
She chewed on her lower lip. This guy really believed what he was saying, she realized. And while the fangs did look sexy as hell on him, the whole thing was still way too weird even for her.
“I’m out of here,” she said, heading for the door.
He followed her down the hall. “Look I won’t stop you from leaving, but if you start feeling weak, you need to come back here immediately.”
She glanced over her shoulder at him as she hurried down the stairs. “Oh, sure thing. I’ll do that.”
“And watch out for the sun,” he said when she yanked open the front door.
She turned to give him a superior look. “Let me guess. Because I’ll burst into flames, right?”
His mouth tightened. “No, but you will get one hell of a nasty sunburn faster than you ever thought possible.”
Savanna just shook her head. The guy might be gorgeous, she thought as she closed the door behind her, but he was also completely certifiable!
5 Cherries from Whipped Cream Reviews!
"Absolutely delightful and wickedly tempting, Ms Tyler has put a new spin on the vampire curse giving it a fresh look. Filled with deliciously sinful love scenes written to set the sheets on fire and characters that will make your mouth water and leave your eagerly flipping to the next page to see what happens next. Guaranteed to tease the senses, push you to the brink and leave you squirming in your seat!"
Night Owl Romance Says It Will Have You Panting!
"Vampire 101, Modern Day Vampires is a wonderfully witty tale that will have you laughing at the witty repartee as well as panting at the hot steamy sex. Ms. Tyler gives a whole new take on vampires and what makes them tick. Her characters are all well rounded, interesting and for the most part normal people. They have all the hallmarks of being someone you might know, which makes them immensely likeable. The plot is well thought out and has enough of a mystery element to keep you guessing and wondering what the heck is going to happen next to keep you reading all the way to the end. The sex is very well written and doesn’t overwhelm the rest of the story. And of course love wins out in the end. Pick this work up and you’ll definitely be adding Ms. Tyler to your paranormal favorite authors list."
Dark Angels Reviews Says Vampire 101 Is Another Mouthwatering Hit from Paige Tyler!
"MODERN DAY VAMPIRES: VAMPIRE 101 is another mouthwatering hit from Paige Tyler. I absolutely devoured this book. Savanna and Kaige are so mesmerizing that it felt like I actually knew them. They could have been my neighbors they were so realistic. The romance that blossoms between them is heartfelt and passionate. I was rooting for them from the very beginning. Kaige is such a protector of Savanna. He makes it his job to keep her safe at all costs. When it dawns on him that he's falling in love with her, I wanted to hug him, he was so dumbfounded about it. Savanna is a jewel. Sweet, innocent, charming and when it really counts, strong and passionate. At turns, MODERN DAY VAMPIRES: VAMPIRE 101 is hilarious, comical, suspenseful, erotic and downright captivating. Paige Tyler is wicked with a pen and knows how to yank her readers in and leave them breathless from beginning to end. If you're in the mood for a superb paranormal romance with some erotic scenes woven in with a splash of suspense for good measure, MODERN DAY VAMPIRES: VAMPIRE 101 is definitely the book for you. This one is going on my keeper shelves and I've already re-read it three times, so I guarantee you'll love it!"
Read Chapter One!
Watch the video
Buy it at Whiskey Creek Press Torrid!
For more of my sexy, erotic fiction, visit my website at http://www.paigetylertheauthor.com

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Thanks for asking me to guest blog, Patricia!
Hi Page, I really enjoyed the excerpt. I always get a kick out of seeing how different authors handle the scenes where the supernatural creature reveals themselves to the human. Smart gal walking out the door. Hopefully this will get a print version sometime.
Hi Paige, I've already got my eye on this book, and wow, congrats on the wonderful reviews. Loved the chapter one excerpt, what a great intro to these characters. Sexy vampire stories always make my wish list.
SciFiGuy - Thanks so much! I always love that part of paranormal stories, too. I have a werewolf series, too, where the werewolves reveal what their are to their respective girlfriends. Things get very interesting! LOL! Oh, and Vampire 101 should be in print soon! Be sure to check my blog or my website!
Cathy M - Thanks so much! I'm so psyched about this series and the reviews! And I totally love books about sexy vamps, too! You'll have to let me know how you like it after you read it!
Really great excerpt. You definitely have a skill. Keep doing what you're doing.
Check out our spoof vampire news show called "Bloodcast News Network" on iheartvampires.net
Paige thanks for the info. I'll keep an eye on your site for the announcement. I'd love to read this but am not one for ebooks.
I love Vampires and how authors can take the basic premise and make it their own. I have this story but need to get it on my ereader which I will do soon. Want to finish before the next wolf story.
Emily - Thanks so much! I'm glad you enjoyed the excerpt!
SciFiGuy - You're welcome! A lot of readers prefer print. Vampire 101 should be in print really soon!
Lindseye - I'm so flattered you already have Vampire 101! And that you've already read Animal Attraction, too! Animal Instinct, the sequel to Animal Attraction, comes out in June! I'm excited! Let me know you like Vampire 101 after you read it!
Nifty! I'd have picked this one up for the title alone, now it's definitely on the list after reading the excerpt.
Vickie - Thanks so much! I really had fun coming up with the name for the book as well as the characters! I'm flattered you've added it to your list! Let me know how you like it after you read it!
Hi Paige
Just wanted to give you a big THANK YOU! for being such a terrific guest blogger on PVN.
Can't wait for the next one!
Patricia - You're so welcome! I enjoyed it! And I'm excited about blogging about Animal Instinct, too! Thanks again for asking me!
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